Lourdes pilgrims visit PH, urge Filipinos to have open hearts
Filipinos must always be open-hearted in drawing themselves to God and in responding to Mary’s call to prayer.
This was the challenge of Christian volunteers from North America to Filipinos during their first Lourdes pilgrimage experience in Pandi, Bulacan last Nov. 22.
“[T]he Lady has invited you on some love. She put it in our hearts to come here today because she has something to say to you. All we have to have is an open mind and an open heart,” said Sis. Fran Salaun, the virtual pilgrimage director.

Sis. Fran Salaun discusses the history of Our Lady of Lourdes to the parishioners. Photo by Christine C. Fabro.
Salaun explained that a plenary indulgence was granted only to the virtual pilgrimage who had accomplished its requirements.
“[Y]ou need to go to a confession. [You] must receive Jesus in the Eucharist, and you must pray for the intentions of the Holy Father. But there’s one more, and that is to promise to avoid sins to which you are more active,” she said.
“A plenary indulgence, first of all, is a gift of the Church. You have 20 days from today to fulfill your requirements,” she added.
The Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers, who showcased a virtual tour of Lourdes image through the digital photograph projection, also conducted interactive spiritual activities.
Grotto relic rocks were exhibited and Blessed Lourdes water from grotto springs, where the Blessed Mother appeared, was given to the parishioners.
Prayerful reflection, Eucharistic blessing, and candlelight rosary were also included in the local interactive virtual pilgrimage.

One of the parishioners participates in the virtual pilgrimage's spiritual activities. Photo by Christine C. Fabro.
The virtual pilgrimage went in different parishes of the Philippines from Nov. 16 to 26.