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‘Report positive side of PH-China relations,’ Chinese Premier urges PH press

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said it is time for the Chinese and the Philippine media to report the positive prospects of China-Philippine relations nd invited the Philippine press to China to cover how the two countries work together.

“I believe now is the time. It is the time for us to tell our own stories. It is the time for the media from China and the Philippines to report more on the bright prospects of China-Philippine relations and the much-told stories of friendship between our two peoples,” Li said during his visit to Malacañang on Nov. 15.

Li cited doubts if international media outlets as a factor that affects the negative reportage on the relationship of the two countries.

“Due to well-known reasons for some period of time, there were much doubts expressed by international media outlets as to whether the friendship between our two countries would be able to consolidate and even last,” he said.

Li said they “welcome more Philippine press” in China to cover stories and make contributions on the coverage regarding the PH-China cooperation.

“We welcome more Philippine press to come to China to cover today's events and make your historic contributions to covering the stories about how our two countries are working together to seize the opportunity of the day and usher in a new chapter in China-Philippine relations,” he said.

‘Ties as high as Manila temperature’

The Chinese Premier likened developing PH-China relations to the high temperature in Manila.

“Winter has come to northern hemisphere, but the temperature in Manila is still running pretty high. I think that somewhat reflects the temperature of China-Philippine relations, which is also going pretty high on the basis of the positive improvement of the relations between the two countries,” Li said through a translator.

He said they hope for the continuity of cooperation of both countries “to strengthen positive momentum” and to “make up for the time” they may have lost.

He said they have been “heartened by the boom in the practical cooperation” of two countries since the beginning of this year, citing China as top trading partner of the Philippines after the first 10 months of 2017.



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