‘Technology should boost reading culture, not weaken it’
TECHNOLOGY should motivate more people to read despite changes in platforms used, author and talk show host Boy Abunda told The Spiral Journal on Wednesday.
“Technology should encourage more people to read in a different format. I would like to think that reading is a part of our life but I have a suspicion which is unsubstantiated that less young people are reading because technology offers other platforms. I would like to encourage people to read more,” Abunda said.
Abunda said people should talk about the motivation and inspiration brought by reading to encourage others to discover the world of literature.
“We have to keep on talking about [reading]. We have to keep on talking about what [it] has done to change people’s lives, like how it changed [mine],” Abunda said.
“I used reading as a weapon for my insecurities. I would read books that would empower, motivate, inspire, even allow me to escape momentarily, [and] I would always move back to where [I am] stronger [and] more equipped, to deal with my own insecurities and my estimation of my worth,” he added.
Abunda said “limitations of the mind” can cause difficulty in understanding the complex topics, but it should not discourage the youth from reading for it is the first step to have new knowledge.
“[D]on’t be afraid not to understand because not understanding can be a beginning of a journey to learning,” he said. “In the beginning, I was afraid but the best thing about that stage in my life was I knew that fear could not stop me from exploring, examin[ing], and journey[ing] to the unknown which I knew would bring me closer to a better state of understanding myself and others.”

Abunda was among the authors at the book signing on the first day of the 38th Manila International Book Fair (MIBF) at SMX Convention Center, Pasay City. J.N. Dalaten, N.B. De Leon