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UST to have its first branch in Laguna

THE UNIVERSITY of Santo Tomas (UST) will have its first outside-Metro Manila branch in Santa Rosa Laguna.

UST Santa Rosa will have a 40-hectare ground and accommodate 20,000 students upon its completion.

The groundbreaking ceremony was held last Sept. 10 and led by UST Rector Fr. Herminio Dagohoy, O.P.

“This is the first time that we will get out of España, [after] 100 year[s]. It would be a very beautiful tribute to our Fathers, to those who started and [became] part of the beginning of the history of Santo Tomas,” Fr. Dagohoy, O.P said in his homily during the ceremony.

Project head architect Barbie del Castillo said the university will have about twice the size of the UST Manila and will house the main university block and a town center.

UST Santo Rosa will house amphitheaters, sports facility, laboratory buildings, dormitories, hospital, the priests’ residence, and a 500-seater public church.

Transportation hub is also expected to drop off students who use public transportation.

E-jeepney terminal for the university-wide transportation will also be built.

UST Santa Rosa is expected to accommodate 5,000 students upon the completion of the first phase in 2020. Gabrielle Janathan L. Castro with reports from Joselle Czarina S. dela Cruz



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